Assessing Growth of Infants and Toddlers

Recumbent length is regularly assessed in children less than 2 years old. Measuring the length of infants and toddlers is an important part of monitoring their growth and development. Assessment of human development requires exact and reproducible measurements of height. It is useful to measure the length of children under 2 years old to permit…

Growth Screening

Every year, many children who attend in public schools have their weight and height measured. Their body mass index (BMI) is then computed using this data. A child’s BMI can be used as a screening tool to identify whether they are overweight or underweight. The BMI of a child is calculated using the height to…

HLMD – Height Length Measuring Device

Monitoring a patient’s general health requires getting an accurate assessment of their height or length. The discipline still faces difficulties in gathering accurate data for this type of analysis. We advise using a portable stadiometer and a measure mat to overcome this difficulty. These two devices are meant to be quickly put together, precise for…