What is a Stadiometer?

A Stadiometer is a device that is used to measure the height or stature of humans. These measuring instruments are often used for a yearly health assessment with your doctor. Other names for a Stadiometer Here are some other names that you may see a stadiometer referred to as: Height Rod Height Meter Height Gauge…

Pediatric Stadiometry

Height measurement is a crucial metric for pediatricians and their patients. Throughout childhood, a person’s height changes rapidly, and if there are any deviations from the growth curves, it can indicate health concerns. Therefore, it is routine practice in pediatric hospitals and clinics to gather physical measurement data before meeting with the doctor for specific…

Digital Stadiometers

Accurate height measurement is essential for growth evaluation and BMI (body mass index) calculations, which are widely used in health assessments and diagnoses. A small error in height measurement can lead to significant errors in the calculation of BMI, which could result in a misclassification of an individual’s health assessment. The Heightronic Stadiometer was one…


Stadiometer Calibration

Stadiometers are an essential tool in many medical settings, and it is crucial to maintain and calibrate them regularly to ensure accurate and reliable measurements. Wall mounted stadiometers should be checked for accuracy after installation. Most portable stadiometers do not require calibration although it is not a bad idea to confirm accuracy on those as…

Growth Screening

Every year, many children who attend in public schools have their weight and height measured. Their body mass index (BMI) is then computed using this data. A child’s BMI can be used as a screening tool to identify whether they are overweight or underweight. The BMI of a child is calculated using the height to…

Fankfurt Plane

The Frankfurt Plane or Frankfort Plane (Both spellings are used), also known as the Frankfort horizontal, is a widely accepted reference plane used in the measurement of human height. The Frankfurt Plane is an imaginary line that crosses through the top of the ear canal and the inferior margin of the eye socket. It offers…