Mobile Stadiometers

Mobile stadiometers are free-standing yet typically larger and more heavy-duty than a portable stadiometer. They are designed to be moved from one room to another in a medical facility, where it can be used by multiple providers or departments.

Mobile Stadiometer

Some of these devices include a weight scale that can calculate the BMI from height and weight measurements Mobile stadiometers can be transported to a different location but they often take longer to set up and take down. A mobile stadiometer is perfect for large medical facilities or research institutions that can share from one room to another. Mobile stadiometers can also be stored in a supply closet when not needed to save space.

Often referred to as a free-standing stadiometer these units are considered to be as accurate as a wall-mounted stadiometer.

Height and Weight


seca 284 mobile stadiometer

seca 284 DP Measuring Station

The Seca DirectPrint 284 Measuring Station weighs and measures height at the same time sending results with BMI to your printer.

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Housables Digital Stadiometer

Digital Scale with Sonar Stadiometer

Quickly and effectively compute weight, height, and BMI in one fluid motion. A bright LED screen with a clean, simple display makes it easy to use.

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Height only

seca 274 digital stadiometer

Digital Scale with Sonar Stadiometer

With a measurement range of 11 to 86 inches, the free-standing Seca 274 digital stadiometer can be used to measure both adults and little children.

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