
Accurate Height Measuring

The importance of accurately measuring height of an individual is of great importance because it reflects key data for body composition. Standardized processes for measuring height is essential for maintaining accuracy.

Portable Stadiometer

Portable Stadiometer

Make sure you have sufficient illumination and a flat, secure, and stable surface when using a portable stadiometer in a remote area. Double-check the information before carefully entering the results in the appropriate section of the patient record. You bear sole accountability for the measuring device. It should be transported in the bag or case that came with the device, and the height rod should be carefully disassembled in accordance with the manufacturer’s directions, to keep it in top condition. To reduce the risk of damage, the headpiece should be taken off the height rod before storing in the case.

It is crucial that the individual being measured is looking straight ahead for all height measurements. The soles of both feet should be positioned against the footplate. Keep thighs and knees straight. Their buttocks should lightly touch the height rod, and their arms should be naturally at their sides.

Portable Stadiometer

Height measurements should be performed by a trained individual. It is suggested that measurements be taken three times before the average is recorded, there should be very little variation between measurements.

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